About Kirstin Skadberg, Ph.D.


Hi, everyone!

Thank you so much for checking out youshouldteach.com, a place to discover how you can change your own life and the lives of others by teaching your unique knowledge, experience and skills.

I started youshouldteach.com to share the strategies and practices I saw working in my own life and the lives of my students.

The big idea behind youshouldteach.com is: when you “teach” your unique knowledge, experience and skills, you become a Trusted Authority to the people you are helping, and provide them with a ton of value.

In return, those people repay you with their trust, their gratitude, and by recognizing the value you provide by paying you accordingly. This might be through a raise, a higher billing rate, or buying valuable products you sell.

Sound good? Well, it gets even better. Think about the best teacher or mentor you’ve ever had, and imagine if they had not taken the time to teach you what they knew. When you teach what you know, you have a tremendous opportunity to pay it forward, benefit others and make a positive change in the world.

It’s not rocket science, but it’s also not always easy to do. Do you know what the biggest obstacle most of the people I talk to are facing? Their own mindset.

Often this shows up as a feeling of “who am I to…(do the thing I really want to do)?”

Some people call this feeling Imposter Syndrome. And it can feel like:

  • I’m not as knowledgeable or skilled as people think I am
  • I only got where I am today because of luck
  • Others are more qualified than me, so why try?

If you can relate to any of these feelings, I hear you loud and clear because I HAVE BEEN THERE. I have struggled with Imposter Syndrome.

I can’t believe it was only 3 years ago that “the spreadsheet incident” shocked me into changing my life completely. I put the real numbers in there, even included a decent raise each year, and calculated how long it would take to pay off my credit cards and student loans and buy my first home. I‘ll never forget staring at that spreadsheet – the answer was NEVER.

That’s when I realized I would have to do something differently if I wanted to become the person I knew I could be and create the life I wanted. In less than two years, I quit my job, started my own business, payed off my debts and moved into the first home I’d ever owned myself.

Do you want to know what the hardest part was? It wasn’t quitting my job, or even setting up my own business.  It was overcoming Imposter Syndrome and understanding the value of my unique knowledge, experience and skills. When I had done that, I could finally move towards becoming the person I wanted to be and living the life I wanted.

I hope you find something of value in youshouldteach.com, whether it’s taking the first step towards visualizing a better future, overcoming imposter syndrome and becoming a Trusted Authority, or maybe even building your own online course some day.

It would be my great honor if I could help you along your journey in some way!

Your friend,
